Whether you recently took the abortion pill or are considering the abortion pill, you might be looking for answers to questions like:
“Can abortions fail? What are the common signs of an incomplete abortion? How do you know if the abortion pill worked?”
These are all good questions to help you protect your health and safety.
How do I know if the abortion pill didn’t work?
What is an incomplete or failed abortion?
While the terms incomplete abortion and failed abortion are often used interchangeably, there is a difference between the two.
An incomplete abortion is when pregnancy has been terminated but pregnancy tissue is left in the uterus after an abortion, often this causes infection.
A failed abortion is when an abortion was ineffective at terminating the pregnancy and the pregnancy continues.
While an incomplete or failed abortion can happen with any type of abortion, they are most common with the abortion pill.

How common is an incomplete or failed abortion?
The abortion pill has a complication rate four times higher than a surgical abortion, and as many as one in five women will suffer a complication.
The risk of an incomplete abortion increases with gestational age and is one of the most common complications related to abortion pills taken after 12 weeks gestation. That’s why it is so important to have an ultrasound to find out how far along you are. We provide free viability ultrasounds at Thrive Savannah.
What increases the risks?

- Taking abortion pill too late (the FDA has only approved it up to 10 weeks gestation)
- Incorrect dosage
- Not having follow up appointment to confirm termination
Without an ultrasound to accurately determine how far along you are and confirm the pregnancy is viable, you can accidentally take the abortion pill past 10 weeks.
It’s important to seek proper medical attention and make sure the abortion provider you choose, even if it’s an online pharmacy, will schedule a follow-up appointment to confirm the termination of the pregnancy.
Signs of incomplete abortion or failed abortion
Common signs of incomplete abortion according to National Institute of Health:
- Cramping
- Fever
- Moderate to severe vaginal bleeding lasting several days or weeks or soaking more than two pads an hour for two hours
- Lower abdominal and/or pelvic pain
- Passing blood clots and/or pieces of tissue
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Continued pregnancy symptoms
Bleeding and cramping can happen with both complete and incomplete abortions. That’s why it’s important to monitor how much you are bleeding and any other symptoms you may be having. Read more about how much bleeding is expected and when to be concerned here.
You should seek emergency care immediately if you are soaking through two thick full-size sanitary pads per hour for two consecutive hours.

Treatment for incomplete and failed abortions
Treatment for incomplete abortions is unique to each situation. An additional dose of misoprostol is sometimes given, while more severe cases may require a surgical procedure. In fact, 2-7% will have an incomplete abortion and need a surgical abortion to complete it or stop heavy bleeding.
If you suspect your abortion may have failed or be incomplete, go to the closest emergency room immediately. Getting care as soon as possible reduces the risk of infection or further complications.
At Thrive Savannah, we offer after-abortion support. If you have recently had an abortion and want to talk through concerns or need help processing, make an appointment. All of our services of free of charge. You are not alone.